





2020年毕业于中国科学技术大学,获理学博士学位;20209月入职河南大学;硕士生导师,主要从事纳米药物的开发及生物应用。近年来主持完成中国博士后面上项目1项,主持省科技厅项目1项。以第一/通讯作者Chemical Engineering JournalSmallACS Applied Material & Interfaces等国内外重要学术期刊发表论文10余篇。指导3名硕士研究生。


2015-09  2020-06,中国科学技术大学(长春应用化学研究所),无机化学,博士

2011-09  2015-06,天津工业大学,材料科学与工程学士


2024-03 至 今河南大学河南省天然药物创新与转化重点实验室讲师

2020-09  2024-03河南大学河南省天然药物与免疫工程重点实验室讲师


1) 多功能纳米诊疗体系的构建:本研究旨在构建肿瘤微环境响应药物递送系统,制备具有良好特异性和生物相容性的无机/有机纳米材料,实现多模式联合抗肿瘤。

2) 新型纳米酶杂化水凝胶的合成:本研究旨在合成具有多种酶活性的纳米酶体系,基于纳米酶构建治疗性水凝胶。研究其在抑制肿瘤术后复发、抗感染以及促进糖尿病伤口愈合等领域的应用。


1. 河南省科技厅多级响应纳米催化/光热级联诊疗系统用于可视化高精准肿瘤诊疗22210231020910万,2022.01-2023.12,主持,在研

2. 中国博士后科学基金,自供氧上转换纳米药物递送系统用于酶催化增强的可视化温和光热治疗,2021M7010828万,2021.10-2023.12,主持,结项


1. Peng Hu, Xiaowen Peng, Shuang Zhao*, Fan Li, Guoye Yang, Wujie Guo, Shuling Yu, Jianjun Cheng, Juan Cen, Jiahua Shi. Self-sacrificed construction of versatile nanoadjuvant for synergistically enhanced immunogenic cell death and improved anti-tumor immunity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 492, 152033.

2. Conglei Zhou1, Shuang Zhao1, Yongbo Zhang1, Jianjun Cheng, Jiahua Shi, Guanhua Du, Mesoporous polydopamine Targeting CDK4/6 Inhibitor toward Brilliant Synergistic Immunotherapy of Breast Cancer. Small, 2024, 2310565.

3. Xiaoyu Chen, Chunhua Zhao, Dingxin Liu, Kunpeng Lin, Jingnan Lu, Shuang Zhao*, Jiang Yang*, and Huanxin Lin*, Intelligent Pd1.7Bi@CeO2 nanosystem with Dual-enzyme-mimetic activities for cancer hypoxia relief and synergistic photothermal/photodynamic/chemodynamic therapy. ACS Applied Material & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 18, 21804-21818.

4. Peng Hu, Shuang Zhao*, Jiahua Shi, Fan Li, Shaochen Wang, Ying Gan, Lei Liu, Shuling Yu. Precisely NIR-II-activated and pH-responsive cascade catalytic nanoreactor for controlled drug release and self-enhanced synergetic therapy. Nanoscale, 2022,14, 12219-12231.

5. Shanshan Li, Kunpeng Lin, Peng Hu, Shuang Zhao*, Shuling Yu, and Jiahua Shi*. A multifunctional nanoamplifier with self-enhanced acidity and hypoxia relief for combined photothermal/photodynamic/starvation therapy. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2022, 611, 121307.

6. Langping Dong, Jingshan Hou*, Baiqi Shao, Shuang Zhao*, Yongzheng Fang*. Cr3+/Yb3+/Nd3+-doped Ba2LaGa11O20 broadband NIR phosphors for NIR pc-LED and c-Si solar cells. Optical Materials, 2022, 127, 112290.

7. Shanshan Li, Ying Gan, Chen Lin, Shuang Zhao*, and Jiahua Shi*. NIR-/pH- responsive nanocarriers based on mesoporous hollow polydopamine for codelivery of hydrophilic/hydrophobic drugs and photothermal synergetic therapy. ACS Applied Bio Material, 2021, 4, 1605-1615.

8. Xiudi Wu, Shuang Zhao*, Liang Zhang, and Hongpeng You*. Highly thermally stable Cr3+ and Yb3+ codoped Gd2GaSbO7 phosphors for broadband near-infra red applications. Dalton Transactions, 2021, 50, 13459–13467.

9. Shuang Zhao, Baiqi Shao, Hongpeng You*, etc. Facile synthesis of YVO4:Ln3+ (Ln= Eu, Sm, and Dy) porous/hollow ellipsoids and luminescence properties. CrystEngComm, 2020, 22, 3340–3346.

10. Shuang Zhao, Rongrong Tian, Baiqi Shao, Zhenxin Wang*, and Hongpeng You*, etc. UCNPs-Bi2Se3 Upconverting nanohybrid for UCL/CT imaging and photothermal therapy. Chemistry - A European Journal, 2020, 26, 1127 – 1135.

11. Shuang Zhao, Rongrong Tian, Baiqi Shao, Zhenxin Wang*, and Hongpeng You*, etc. One-pot Synthesis of Ln3+-doped Porous BiF3@PAA Nanospheres for Temperature Sensing and pH-Responsive Drug Delivery guided by CT Imaging. Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 695-702.

12. Shuang Zhao, Rongrong Tian, Baiqi Shao, Zhenxin Wang*, and Hongpeng You*, etc. Designing of UCNPs@Bi@SiO2 hybrid theranostic nanoplatforms for simultaneous multimodal imaging and photothermal therapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 394-402.

13. Shuang Zhao, Baiqi Shao, Yang Feng, Senwen Yuan, Kai Liu, Hongpeng You*, etc. Facile synthesis of lanthanides (Ce, Eu, Tb, Ce/Tb, Yb/Er, Yb/Ho, and Yb/Tm) doped LnF3 and LnOF porous sub-microspheres with multicolor emissions. Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2017, 12, 3046 – 3052 (Very Important Paper).

文章来源: 时间:2024年07月18日 09:49 浏览