国家级高层次青年人才。Coatings专刊编委,J. Environ. Chem. Eng.、Green Chem.、J. Hazard. Mater.等期刊审稿人。主持完成各类项目20余项,其中国家项目3项。在JACS等国内外重要学术期刊发表论文40余篇,授权发明专利10余件。
2006-08 至 2010-09, 新加坡国立大学, 药物化学, 博士
2002-09 至 2006-06, 南开大学, 化学, 学士
2010-03 至 2012-03, 新加坡科研局材料与工程研究所
2015-11 至 今, 河南大学, 河南省天然药物创新与转化重点实验室, 教授
2012-07 至 2015-11, 河南大学, 河南省天然药物创新与转化重点实验室, 讲师
2011-08 至 2012-03, 新加坡AWAK Technologies有限公司, 研发部, 无
1. 国家自然科学基金-河南联合基金,题目:新型DPP-胍基双功能可见光催化剂的设计、合成及其在碳氢活化反应中的研究,30万,2013.01-2015.12,主持,结项。
2. 科技部科技型中小企业创新基金,题目:新型净水滤材抗菌保护材料,42万,2014.07-2016.06,主持,结项。
3. 世界未来发展基金会,题目:可见光催化剂的开发及应用,42万,2011.06-2012.06,主持,结项。
1. Xiaohan Xing; Rui Zhou;* Huangping Yan and Hongjun Liu.* Seedless hydrothermal growth of piezoelectric photocatalytic ZnO nanowires on laser-ablated copper mesh for oil/water separation. J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2024, 12, 112027.
2. Haibo Li; Wenxia Ma; Xianglong Zeng; Shuming Liu; Longhao Xiao; Zheng Fang; Yuqin Feng; Ming Yang; Hao Zhu; Yongsheng Yang* and Hongjun Liu.* ZnO/CuO Piezoelectric Nanocatalyts for the Degradation of Organic Pollutants. ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2023, 6, 21113−21122.
3. Hongbin Wang; Rui Zhou;* Huangping Yan and Hongjun Liu.* Fabrication of piezoelectric ZnO nanowires on laser textured copper substrate for enhanced catalytic property. Coatings, 2023, 13, 1963.
4. Wenxia Ma; Meiling Lv; Feiping Cao; Zheng Fang; Yuqin Feng; Gang Zhang; Yongsheng Yang* and Hongjun Liu.* Synthesis and characterization of ZnO-GO composites with their piezoelectric catalytic and antibacterial properties. J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2022, 10, 107840.
5. Wei Feng; Tingting Huang; Liqian Gao; Xianfeng Yang; Wenbin Deng; Rui Zhou* and Hongjun Liu.* Textile supported silver nanoparticles as a highly efficient and recyclable heterogeneous catalyst for nitroaromatics reduction at room temperature. RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 6288-6292.
6. Tingting Huang; Rui Zhou;* Jingqin Cui; Jin Zhang; Xiaosheng Tang; Sai Chen; Jiajin Feng and Hongjun Liu.* Fast and cost-effective preparation of antimicrobial zinc oxide embedded in activated carbon composite for water purification applications. Mater. Chem. Phys., 2018, 206, 124-129.
7. Yijie Xia; Xiaoyu Jiang; Jing Zhang; Ming Lin; Xiaosheng Tang; Jie Zhang* and Hongjun Liu.* Synthesis and Characterization of Antimicrobial Nanosilver/Diatomite Nanocomposites and Its Water Treatment Application. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2017, 396, 1760–1764.
8. Hongjun Liu; Zhigang Zang and Xiaosheng Tang.* Synthesis mechanism and optical properties of well nanoflower-shaped ZnO fabricated by a facile method. Opt. Mater. Express, 2014, 4, 1762–1769.
9. Hongjun Liu; Wei-Peng Goh; Man-Yin Leung; Yuning Li* and Tyler B. Norsten.* Effect of organic ligands and ligand capped gold nanoparticles in polymer solar cells. Sol. Energy Mat. Sol. Cells, 2012, 96, 302–306.
10. Hongjun Liu; Dasheng Leow; Kuo-Wei Huang* and Choon-Hong Tan.* Enantioselective synthesis of chiral allenoates by guanidine-catalyzed isomerization of 3-alkynoates. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131(21), 7212–7213. (Highlight by Synfacts 2009, 7, 0794–0794.)
1. 一种在基体上制备和固载金属纳米粒子的方法及应用,发明专利授权号:ZL201310190451.1
2. 一种能过滤PM2.5的多层结构抗菌汽车空调滤清器,发明专利授权号:ZL201410229425X
3. 一种抑菌型复合硅藻土陶瓷膜及制备方法,发明专利授权号:ZL201410071311.7
4. 纳米银复合纺织催化剂及其应用,发明专利授权号:CN 105921173 A
5. 一种氧化铜氧化锌复合压电光催化材料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利授权号:ZL2021113118410
6. 一种六分柱状氧化锌石墨烯压电光催化材料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利授权号:ZL2021113118393
7. Mn-CsPbCl3纳米棒的制备方法及其产品和应用,发明专利授权号:CN106947477A
8. 一种锰掺杂甲基氨基钙钛矿纳米晶体的制备方法及其产品和应用,发明专利授权号:CN106905957A
1. 2017年河南省科技进步二等奖
2. 2016年河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖
3. 2013年第八届开封市十佳杰出青年
4. 2011年世界未来发展基金会环境与可持续发展研究博士奖